Face, Breast & Body Aesthetics

Dermal Fillers & Botox

Dr. Smith and her staff at Real You are highly qualified and gifted in their specialties and sincerely love helping create a positive change in the people they have the privilege of working with. Call our clinic at 833-433-8338 to get started.

Getting older often results in facial lines, volume loss, and deep-seated wrinkles. Both dermal fillers and BOTOX® can offer ways to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These injectable fillers can help with early signs of aging and can be combined as part of facial rejuvenation surgery, such as a facelift or lip augmentation. During your visit with Dr. Smith, she will discuss your surgical goals, medical conditions, and filler options with you.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are minimally invasive rejuvenation treatments that work with the soft tissues under the skin to provide skin fullness and facial volume and improve your appearance. Dermal fillers are temporary measures for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. At Real You Plastic Surgery and Wellness, our clinic can provide multiple options for dermal fillers, including:

  • Calcium Hydroxylapatite: With brand names such as Radiesse, this type of dermal filler works with compounds naturally found in human bones and is biosynthetically produced to enhance fullness in the cheeks other facial contours.
  • Hyaluronic acid: As the most popular form of dermal filler, this type works with hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the soft connective tissues of your body and can be used for reducing depressions in the skin and relieving pain in the joints.
  • Polyalkylimide: Also called Aquamid, this semi-permanent dermal filler is biocompatible and allows thin layers of collagen to form plump lips, treat facial wasting, and treat deep-seated wrinkles.
  • Polylactic acid: Also known as Sculptra, this synthetic dermal filler assists the body in producing collagen and is made with a biodegradable substance often used in making sutures.
  • Polymethyl-methacrylate microspheres (PMMA): Also called by the brand Bellafill, PMMA is a semi-permanent filler for assisting surgical implants in creating volume in the face.

Dermal filler candidates include people with realistic expectations for their medical procedure and those unhappy with their facial appearance.

What is BOTOX®?

Unlike dermal fillers, BOTOX® is a cosmetic filler that works with the bacteria botulinum toxin to treat fine lines, deep-seated wrinkles, and volume loss. These injections block nerve signals to the muscles, and because the muscle is unable to contract, it causes fullness throughout the cheeks, chin, and other facial features. When not used for cosmetic purposes, BOTOX® is used for correcting gummy smiles and relieving nerve pain caused by chronic conditions such as migraines and fibromyalgia.

Candidates for BOTOX® include those with realistic expectations for their medical procedure and those unhappy with their facial appearance.

Dermal Fillers & Botox Recovery at Real You Plastic Surgery and Wellness

During your consultation with Dr. Smith, she will discuss your personal goals and needs as a patient, as numerous factors can play into the overall recovery. The doctor will evaluate your general health, discuss any medical conditions you may have and any previous surgeries, and discuss your filler options as well as risks and complications.

When considering your candidacy for dermal fillers or BOTOX®, you may be asked to complete recommendations such as taking medications to prepare for your surgery and avoiding medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements.

For your comfort and well-being, Dr. Smith will go over the procedure in further detail, outlining the procedure through the following steps:

  • Preparation: Both dermal fillers and BOTOX® will require that the chosen areas for treatment be cleansed with antibacterial agents. Local anesthesia can be provided to prevent the onset of pain from the injection.
  • Injection: The injections only take a few moments per site, and additional fillers or BOTOX® injections can be provided as needed depending on the results.
  • Clean Up and Recovery: Once all results are satisfactory, all marking made will be cleaned off, as there is no downtime required.

At Real You Plastic Surgery and Wellness, Dr. Smith will monitor your progress, providing detailed instructions on how to care for your filler treatment. Request a consultation today to learn more about what dermal fillers and BOTOX® can do for you!

As a mother, I understand how important your quality of life is. It is an honor to have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of my patients through the latest surgical and non-surgical treatment options. At Real You Plastic Surgery and Wellness, you will always receive individualized care to help address your desires and expectations.”

Dr. Jane Smith

Founder & owner